Or a Manifesto of Ten Things YA Fantasy Readers Do Know
- We will never give up our loyalty to a good story well told
- We will not agree Fantasy is evil. A good fantasy is a breath of life. (In it I see things I see nowhere else. Not that facet of truth, that piercing beauty that tells me there is more beyond)
- We affirm that reading a good fantasy stretches us
- Exploring fantasy will affect us in all aspects
- We will grow in heart, mind, and spirit
- Reading fantasy is a gift—we will develop it. (It will take up a proper lot of my life. LOL)
- We will encourage writers of great books by telling them and others what enthralls us about their adventurous worlds and peoples
- Fantasy adventure meets the real world inside our hearts and teaches us to live with greater courage, honor, strength, and hope. (Hope is opposite despair, when I know the Creator of all good will triumph)
- More fantasy books will flood our hands and shelves and we will keep a record of the great stories for those to come. (I’m always on the lookout for great fantasy in all genres so I can tell you about it . . .)
- We will overcome. Crossover: Find the Eternal, the Adventure
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