Tag Archives: Young Adult Fantasy

Writing About Spiritual Themes and Conflict

To my reader and author friends:

Baring my soul on this subject seemed timely this Christmas, since I finally finished a Medieval historical fantasy series that has been more than a decade in the making.

I started writing more than fifteen years ago with the idea I wouldn’t write explicitly about Christ. I had read many books that deeply impacted and enthralled me that never mentioned the name Jesus. But I discovered I could not avoid it.

If we see goodness in a book and it warms us, what lasting good is it, if we don’t know where that goodness, that warmth, that life comes from? Who it comes from?

I think part of my original aversion to writing explicitly about God in our human lives, or in my characters’ lives, as the case may be, was because I often saw it done in a way that broke the story to insert a podium moment. A way that came across as inauthentic and fake.

Storytelling lends itself to preaching in the form of anecdotes or parables, but trying to combine preaching, or truth-telling, the other way around into a story is much harder. If it is not done well, it can make the truth we seek to portray less effective.

Despite the obstacles, I began to realize some authors were openly speaking about truth: of His justice, mercy, power, and beauty – and doing it very well. Such as C. S. Lewis in his fiction, Andrew Klavan in If We Survive, and The Homelanders series; Anna Thayer in The Knight of Eldaran series, LA Kelly in her series beginning with Tahn, Jonathan Renshaw in Dawn of Wonder: The Wakening Book 1, Kathy Tyers in The Firebird trilogy, S. D. Smith in The Green Ember series, Andrew Peterson in The Wingfeather Saga, MI McAllister in The Mistmantle Chronicles, and Chris Walley in The Lamb Among the Stars sci-fi trilogy. Some naming Him directly, others indirectly.

Many other authors have presented Christ or a Christ figure in various ways, to varying degrees of success. Blindness to a particular author’s Christ figure may also be my own lack of perception. And of course, there are many authors I have not read, or didn’t have room to name here. You can see I lean toward fantasy, with a smattering of Christian Romance and Sci-fi. I have not read much romantic suspense or mainstream fiction, so I’m not knowledgeable on how they do or don’t present God in those genres. We’re all learning how to do it better, I hope! (I assume in this post I’m speaking to Christian writers and readers.)

So back to the work I know the flaws of best, my own. Any time a more intangible reality comes up in a story, specifically spiritual truth, readers tend to react strongly.

Whether the truth presented concerns an integral part of a character’s goal, something that thwarts their desire, or it is a reality that arises out of the setting or situation, you will get varying reactions to truth. From curiosity, to the joy of triumph and deep satisfaction, to an “aha” moment, or even to tears if they were deeply touched. Conversely, a person may react with indignation that anyone dares speak of such things, or may express amusement at foolishness, or anger, or outright hatred.

Don’t let any potential reaction deter you from striving to learn how to write truth better, with His empowerment and leading. Writer or reader, all truth we encounter we should bring into our hearts, to be lived out. As He says in His Word. Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 NAS

Be a true ambassador for Him from Whom all good things flow.

However He instructs you to go about it, by direct reference to Him or indirect, by His written Word and the wisdom and advice of godly people, continue to present the truth. This is only part of the story. There is so much more to it, for it to be called a good story. The thrill of a new world, the adventure, the danger, the romance, the growth and triumph. (I’ve added a postscript description of Falcon Dagger below as an example.)

In my own work I find myself unable to avoid alluding to, implying, and sometimes outright speaking the truth in short instances. Especially when lives are at stake. In the story, and out. This Christmas season, and every season.

Even after recording the adventures of a warrior who fled to a monastery where God reached out to touch him in the middle of deadly danger to himself, his people and Cierheld, my heart still burns. That everyone may see and love Him Who is the light. (And before you have a heart attack about Brother Rolf in a Christian fantasy, please read his companion story Kingdom’s Fall in Falcon Dagger and see what he came to believe.)

I ask one thing. Don’t obscure the light. He stepped down into darkness. The light of the world. For our sakes. Can we do less for others?

You must determine how well I took my own advice, or my lack of skill in applying it. If by happy sweat and tears I did learn something about how to get truth across the gap from knowledge to our heart’s grasp, I am thankful for His grace.

You can preorder Falcon Dagger, and give your opinion in a review January 18th. I welcome your thoughts on the story, as well as the thread of spiritual conflict woven through the young adult fantasy adventure. But don’t forget, my friend, to let your light shine in whatever you do.

God bless and keep you, my dear author or reader – or both – as the case may be.

A Merry Christmas to you!


Crossover – Find the Eternal, the Adventure

P. S. Falcon Dagger short description – you can find the rest of the description on Amazon here.

Falcon Dagger is the thrilling final novel of the Falcon Chronicle series. This young adult historical collection includes the riveting last book, a companion story, and prequels where fantasy tropes ignite the imagination – the coming heir, evil lords, court intrigue, haven and hunt, rivals and romance. From second chances to powerful enemies, trials of destiny to oaths kept, each story offers a spark of hope, a heart of courage, and an echo of meaning.

  • Kingdom’s Fall: One life. One land. One loyalty.
  • Falcon Dagger: Warrior. Seeker. Apprentice.
  • Cieri’s Daughter: First rival. First oath. First victory.
  • Path of the Warrior: Exile. Traitor. Warrior.

Readers who love the epic fantasy series of Anna Thayer, the medieval richness of The Outlaws of Sherwood, and the delightful romance of Melanie Dickerson will be drawn into the final chapter of Kyrin Cieri and the struggle to protect Cierheld stronghold against those who would destroy its very memory.

Are you a fan of …
Noblebright YA fantasy
Strong female protagonists
Myth and legend
Stories you don’t want to end?

Falcon Dagger is a resonant canvas of courage, forbidden alliances, and resilient spirits – a heart song to the Master of Stars. –Anna Thayer, author of The Knight of Eldaran series

Experience the immersive action of A Flame in the North but the Christian adventure and court intrigue of Illusion’s Reign in this collection of family friendly books that includes a dash of women’s fiction and military fantasy. It is a fantasy adventure for adults, as well as a clean and wholesome addition to any teen’s list of good fantasy novels and coming of age fiction where hope is a light in the night.


Armsman’s Trial WIP – Excerpt

Fast and whipcord strong, Nith had already completed his routine and beaten his post into submission. Now he bent his long frame over the well stones at the back of the washhouse and splashed his head. He came up blowing and shook back his hair, flinging water.

Nith always finished before him. That did not irk Berd as he panted at his work, thirst growing. The first armsmaster of a stronghold ought to be quicker, stronger, and more wily than any armsman. Berd’s growing grin cut short.

The thief irritated him no end. The thief who stole his first daughter’s blade from the heart of Cierheld. The thief who cast his oath as Lady Cieri’s personal armsman under the shadow of doubt.

Berd’s jaw knotted. He should be out hunting the missing weapon with the rest of the men, not caged, worse than useless. That blade of curious design was cousin to Kyrin’s old falcon dagger, which played so large a part in bringing Kyrin home from slavery, carrying the hidden means to save Cierheld. The blade now resided in a faraway land in honor, with Kyrin’s mentor, Tae Chisun.

The thunk of his hundred and seventieth strike did not comfort Berd. He had wielded all his skill against his wooden enemy from Prime bell to Terce. One would have thought the third hour of the morn would bring news if it did not bring rest. It had not. If any had seen ought of note without the walls, the retired armsmaster would learn of it. Over long years, old Cernalt had woven a ring of hearts within and without Cierheld loyal to Lord Dain Cieri.

Berd drew a deep breath through his nose, and quietly out. He was yet loyal, though the grizzled retired armsman was uncertain of it. Sweat ran down his face, and he continued his weapon’s drill against the enemy that stood between him and the cool well. He must fight with patience. His wood edge thudded into the pine a last time, and he whipped it back to readiness behind his shoulder. His speed belied his hot face and dark hair, as prickly with sweat about the ends as a hedgehog’s. “Ho, Nith, my arm tires. Are you fixing to swim?”

Nith turned, dripping, and smiled with a bare lift of lips. He studied his charge, as if he might discover somewhat of interest, cocking his head.

Berd gave him back nothing but a bland stare. Nith, who had trained him since he could walk, had bruised his pale skin on top of the marks Kyrin had dealt him earlier with her staff. They were not as sore as his thoughts.

Mildly, the armsmaster indicated Berd’s weathered post. “Use your wit to bring him down. Do not let your enemy recover. You must outlast him—if his wood heart has not ceased to beat for fear of the blow that dropped his hose about his ankles a moment past,” he added drily. Then his voice left all jest. “First armsman, you must become a blade. And every blade must be tempered, honed, tested. Like the weapon you seek.”

Berd looked at him straightly. Only one who knew him well would notice the pale tension about his mouth and realize his anger glowed at white heat. “What would you have me do?”

“What you have always done. Support Cierheld; protect it with all you are. If you are strong enough, seek the sword.”


Fantasy and Our Training in the Cosmic War

All good fantasy points to the truth of God, who we are in the sphere we breathe in, who our enemy is, and who we can or will become.

When we look to hope, and the refuge above ourselves, we have joined the cosmic war. Our training has begun.
And the entire rightful aim of training for war is peace—when evil will be no more in the cosmos. Until that time of complete healing, we can but bind the world’s wounds after groundbreaking conflict, when the seeds of peace are sown in peace by the makers of peace. – Fantastic Journey pg. 155

Jenelle Schmidt in Mantles of Oak and Iron speaks of conflict, training, and more than survival in the cosmic war:

The glow of their accomplishment washed over each of them as they ambled across the Academy grounds together. They continued in silence, an easy comaraderie settling over their group. They needed no words, and they needed no applause or recognition for the task they had accomplished. They had done their duty, they had survived nightvines, frigid rivers, hungry grymstalkers, and deadlier yet, warring personalities. They had climbed mountains and pushed through their own exhaustion. They had not come through the fire unscathed, but they had come through it. And more than all they had endured, they had shared the ordeal together and become brothers. …

When you stand beside someone and face the enemy together, you become brothers. When you train together to defend our nations, you become brothers. The second you stepped across the Academy threshold, you became a part of this family. Don’t either of you forget it again. …

In this cosmic war, to be part of God’s family is an indescribable gift, and we catch glimpses of who we will become. It is intriguing that we are told we will be like him, for we will see him as he is. Isn’t it fascinating, that in order to be like him we must see him clearly? That will be a glorious day, when the cosmic war is won.

In the mean time, it’s back to training, and occupying until he comes. There are people to help and encourage, and things we need to learn to fight the unseen battle well. Through him we shall do valiantly, and defeat the evil within. The end of ourselves is in sight. Not the true, just, joyful self he made us to be, but the self that would swallow everything in pride and selfishness. Thank God for that!

What place will you take in the war of the cosmos? Where will you stand? With who will you side, and on what grounds? Why do you fight?

Crossover – Find the Eternal, the Adventure


Stormpoint Feb 2024 – The Anti-hero’s Weakness

In the wide world of ideas the anti-hero is gaining ground.

I find stories that admire anti-heroes repellent, unless the anti-hero grows beyond their selfishness. Anti-heroes have a major weakness, namely, that they never grow stronger. Instead they fail, make themselves victims, and revel in their failure. (Anti-hero and anti-heroine is synonymous here.)

After they are knocked down, they don’t get up again, not in any true sense. That is repellent in any person, and most of all in a story, which most readers go to for encouragement, enjoyment, and a guiding ethos. (I had to look that word up. Ethos is a Greek word that refers to the character of ideals and beliefs of a community or ideology. It includes the idea of alignment of passion and caution. –Loosely paraphrased from Google.)

Great fantasy books show us the beauty of justified self-sacrifice and the ugliness of it’s opposite, the unjustified anti-hero. How fantasy explores what is worth dying for and what is worth living for opens worlds of choice and myriad possibilities before our eyes.

In The Fourth Scroll, Karen Grunst takes the lead character down the path of a true heroine. When she refuses the path of the anti-heroine, Sarah discovers that the life she expected to live must die (figuratively). And she grieves that loss. Suddenly she is forced down a completely different path with only the vaguest notion of what her new life will entail as the novel ends. Though I have not read this book, this is a great point. This is true of many things in our lives, as it is of Sarah in this clean fantasy.

Amy Earls in Forbidden Reign gives us another truth in this quote. “Elohim walked with me in those frightening places, and maybe the darkness as well as the light is a part of His plan. Sometimes things must die before the world sees the life they can bring.”

Dying and living can both be dangerous and deadly. That is the nature of choice in life. For whenever we live to one thing, we always die to another. Dying for the sake of hope often brings life. As it does in [the above books]. Paths divide and hearts choose. It is odd that it is often necessary to die, sometimes literally, in order to truly live. —Fantastic Journey pg. 197

Freedom from the tyranny of self is freedom indeed. Doing what is right brings freedom, even if it brings the death of something dear to us.

The weakness of the anti-hero, and his very real despair, propagates a lack of strength and whining, to put it bluntly. We are all weak and complain at times. The anti-hero stays there. See the end of anti-heroes, in more ways than one, and turn from emulating them.

Give your admiration to heroes, to simple people who strive for truth and light and good. Imperfectly striving, but still heroic, still fighting for something far beyond themselves. Follow those who refuse to stay down under the weight of darkness.

Crossover – Find the Eternal, the Adventure
Have a great week!



Stormpoint November Nights – Conflict in Fantasy

Why do we need inner strength?

Some may say fantasy combat is very unrealistic. We see their point.

If they mean stories where a sudden miracle out of story context saves the day, or the hero gains an illogical, unstoppable power, or the heroine performs flying martial arts, though beautiful in grace, which would never stop an enemy.

But there is one place where combat is real, always—inside the mind, heart, and spirit where the ground is set for any conflict to be won—or lost. If we lose there, we lose outwardly, no matter our fighting method or weapon. The inner fight determines the results of the outer. Fantastic Journey pg. 137

Because the inner war in fantasy touches the outer war. Not just of the character, but also the conflicts of the author and the reader. Here is an excerpt from Lance and Quill, that I recently rewrote.

He touched her arm, then dropped his hand. “Each defending the other, we can defeat these gossip-mongers. No matter, that you do not possess the death touch. That is a small thing.” He was laughing at her. Gently. “You are fierce enough without it.”

He bent near, full of heat again. “Alaina, you need to be strong in your strengths, the gifts given you, not in another’s. Not in Kyrin’s—but Alaina’s strengths—gifts from the Master of all. Take his truth to you; take joy in it. You are strong, Alaina. Know it.”

She shivered. Her battle to accept her weaknesses, her struggle to find her place in the world, to be strong—he saw it? Burn him—no, no. But he did see too much.

The place she sought was not completely shaped, nor completely known. She wet her lips. “You could live with one who is a pawn of peace, not born of your sands, whom no other would have? You would have the—the heart of one who is spoiled?”

“Do not call yourself so! I have Tae’s word you are not touched. Even if you had been, it would not be to your blame. That rests on Ali Ben Aidon’s head.”

Alaina’s face burned. She was a healer; she should not blush at such things. She smoothed the paper in her hand.

His voice lowered. “I see your power. I would live with one who speaks truth, though it does not favor her. With one who picks battles that need fought, no matter how many lances oppose her—”

“Battles ill fought, this morn,” she said. “Right words at an ill moment and ill words at the right moment.”

“You do not start a battle with me that you cannot win.” He was laughing at her again. “Unless I must.” A smile tugged at her mouth.

Alaina needed inner strength for her battles, inner and outer. Her willingness to do battle within touched everyone and everything outside her. Her conflict taught me, as I wrote it, how I could better fight to acknowledge my God-given strengths and build the strengths of others.

And, dear reader, I hope her battles strengthen you. How, I cannot tell. You must brave her inner arena and grow in the forge you find there.

May you have a blessed Thanksgiving!


Crossover – Find the Eternal, the Adventure


October Stormpoint – Relativity destroys Strength

Saying morals are relative destroys our inner strength. And the strength of story. It unravels the framework, the structure, and the heart of the story, which ought to tell us something about how relativism works – or doesn’t – in us.

If we believe relativism, it’s like trying to fight on dry dunes. The sand is never stable, giving us nothing to rely on. That tyrannical belief begins in us, when we redefine, excuse, and explain what we can about our circumstances in attempts to justify our actions. Relativism is the mark of the bad guys. There is no solid ground to stand on, no reliability. It is false, deceptive ground. We can build no lasting framework, no structure here. There is no place of inner strength to find.
Wyldling Trials and The Shadow Elf’s Mission reveal inner strength in their good characters because they fight on the rock, or a least toward the rock. They are fighting relativistic thinking. That fight between the relativistic villain and the underdog who says, ‘no, the same rules apply to you and everyone,’ is a forge. Often a forge of pain.

As we have said, there is always some kind of pain in training: from that of tearing, expanding muscle, to rigorous trial of spirit, to heart-pain that makes room for compassion or which turns that which is weak inside to steel. … Hence, forging forces are needed in the inner arena. The training arena, the gladiatorial arena, and the liberating arena of ideas where spirits strive through the ages—all have served this purpose. When a fantasy story combines the external elements of training, the contest, and the gaze of witnesses with high inner stakes of the moral war, we have a great story and fly through the pages . . . –Fantastic Journey pg. 145

You can’t have any kind of story that rings true, that has a framework, or structure, or heart without objective morality, which is a rock to us. What inner strength we have comes from what we stand on, from our rock. We must choose, we do choose, relative truth or objective truth in every circumstance. Will we tell ourselves tales or the truth?Oddly enough, the more relativistic a character in a story is, the more we hate them. As I say in Fantastic Journey, “Principles, or their lack, drive the blade in every world.” We use the blade in a right or wrong way. Every moral rock, all reality attests to this, even the reflections of reality we call story.

What ground do you choose to fight from? What is your rock? Or rather “who” is your rock? Yourself or???

Fight well!

Until next time,

Azalea – Crossover, Find the Eternal, the Adventure


June Storm Point – Growing by Conflict in the Arena

Conflict in the spiritual arena makes or breaks a story’s characters. Conflict in that arena also builds up or tears down something in us as we read. That thing is goodness. How do we face the inner battle, how do they face it? Much depends on how that battle is portrayed. Through the characters, their actions and reactions, is the author of the story leading us on an adventure of hope, or through a tale of despair?

Characters we admire can inspire us to goodness, or characters can drag us through the ugliest levels of inhuman evil. I started to watch the series 1883, and I pulled it out of the dvd player very soon. When I watch or read something I want to be encouraged, warned, taught, inspired, and given strength to go on by a real look at people, not have indifference to darkness and evil rubbed in my face, and worse, my spirit. All we have to do to know evil intimately is to look inside. We don’t need anyone to tell us how corrupt we are.

People who try to rewrite our perception of history and claim it is valid because it is reality, are not doing us any favors. I especially hate it when they try to make out that people of past ages were as bad as we are, and end up showing the worst of us. Is that going to do anything good? Is it true?

We enjoy our heroes and heroines, handsome and beautiful or not, whether they overcome together or are pitted against their enemy alone. Their spirit, their strengths, and yes, sometimes even their weaknesses, endear them to us—when they show themselves human, yet with a capacity for greatness. [That is reality. All of us have the capacity to rise above greed, hate, and evil in all its forms, in Christ. We have been given the gift of change. Story is about change in ourselves and changing things.] Things we all wish for. We all wish to be brave, to overcome wind and wave and monster—to be a hero to someone, even if only in the ocean of fantasy. –Fantastic Journey pg. 51

Elisa Rae’s newest release showcases a conflict that shows beautifully how the spiritual arena can change characters for the better, from the lowest verbal spat to running for your life. Whether in a literal arena or that of a court, the stakes are high, and every challenge gifts us the capacity for growth.

“I long to be free.” I blushed. “He says I am a fool, wishing for something I can’t comprehend, but I understand enough. I wish to make my own decisions and not consider what would please my master.” I clasped my hands at my waist and bowed my head briefly. “You probably agree with him.”

“Quite the contrary.” Greyson glowered at the far wall. “Freedom is precious.”

After a moment of stilted silence, he spoke again. “Be at peace. Bartle will see that Silda does nothing to harm you when reporting to her mistress. And if the servant doesn’t attend to the warnings, I will see to it personally.” His ominous tone sounded almost malevolent.

I watched his expression for a few moments, debating what kind of fae he was. There were so many possibilities. He was too large for a sprite and too small for an ettin, not to mention possessing the wrong coloring. It would be rude to ask, and considering clothing completely covered him form the neck down, he seemed to be possibly hiding his true nature.

“Lord Greyson.” A halfling with glasses tucked into the wild thatch of hair at the top of his head bowed to Greyson.

“Lord?” Panic tightened my chest. Had I been overly familiar with a noble of the Unseelie court?

“I have need of your verification of this order for three hundred barrels of Tiren blackberry wine,” the halfling explained, holding up an invoice.

“Pardon me, my lord.” I curtseyed. “I really must return to work.” I hurried off without waiting for a response, my heart thundering in my chest. An Unseelie nobleman–I had been casually conversing with a member of the court. What a fool he must think me.

The Unseelie’s Wallflower

Because freedom truly is a precious thing, fighting for it carries the most risk. And the highest reward. Never stop fighting for it. Above all, for the freedom to do right, to do good. And doing that often calls out evil. Be wise as serpents . . . There is a wise and foolish way to wage war, of course.

The Unseelie’s Wallflower is a great tale, and one you will enjoy if you like stories of fae and humans and clean, adventurous romance. You can check it out here.

If you can’t get that one at the moment, read one of your old tried and true stories where the battle was hard, the conflict stiff, and the reward worth it all. If not immediately, in the end.

Not being overcome by evil, but overcoming evil with good. Now there’s a reality possible in the arena. Think about what helps you overcome in your arenas of conflict. What stories stiffen your spine when you are in the grip of the enemy and everything hangs in the balance?

Crossover – Find the Eternal, the Adventure

Until next time, all the best!



May Stormpoint – The Strength of Beauty

For many of us, beauty has the strength of a Siren call, to put it in common terms. In other words beauty draws us like a lodestone, a powerful thirst, the call of the West, our true North.

This applies to the beauty of good things in the moral sense, the beauty of form in the physical sense, and the beauty of being in the spiritual sense. When one of these is present in a person, a flower, a creature it draws us. We sense by the beauty of its being that it is real. When all three capture our awareness we are a goner. In the best way.

Some things are a blessing to lose ourselves to. Beauty is one of them.

A friend of mine is releasing a book May 30th that shows us one aspect of beauty.

A purple flower swayed in the breeze within reach. I touched the smooth petal as if it might comfort me. I sensed its hearty energy within. So calm. At peace. Doing what it was made to do—use its beauty and invigorating scent to attract. It had no worries. How I envied the plant for that. I wanted what it had. The petal in my fingers stiffened and browned. I released the plant as if I’d killed it and been caught with the murder weapon in hand. –The King’s Curse, by J. F. Rogers

Do you see the context? The attraction of beauty and our ability to destroy it, even unintentionally. What is the cure for our curse? I think you may find some of the answers in my friend’s book.

I challenge the idea in the blanket statement that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Depending, again, on context, this may mean only that people have different beliefs about what constitutes the beauty of form, etc. In that context, of the beauty of form, it may be partially true in the sense of perceived beauty. Still, it is much more true that many things and people and forms are beautiful in their created selves, whether we ever see them or not and despite what we think of them.

This makes my heart sing, that beauty exists. That it exists and thrives outside of me, even despite me. Great stories show us beauties “that pierce like swords” as C. S. Lewis has said.

He says further of The Fellowship of the Ring, “Even now I have left out almost everything–the silvan leafiness, the passions, the high virtues, the remote horizons. Even if I had space I could hardly convey them. And after all the most obvious appeal of the book is perhaps also its deepest: ‘there was sorrow then too, and gathering dark, but great valor, and great deeds that were not wholly vain’. Not wholly vain–it is the cool middle point between illusion and disillusionment.” Isn’t that truth beautiful? About illusion, disillusionment, and our present fight against evil? Are we fighting?

All these beauties are worth fighting for, worth seeing and appreciating. Imaginary worlds are wide places of ideas, where the truths of the unseen can be painted in awestriking colors, such as in The King’s Curse by J F Rogers.

As I mention in Fantastic Journey, “Are we not seeking the beauty we have tasted somewhere, that strength that came to us at some time, that moment when a scent drifted past, as if it were a touch or a thought from another world? That time we were reading and a whole universe opened up, which had never existed for us before?” – pg. 10

Seek beauty in all good ways. As part of that, I encourage you to check out my friend’s books. You can still preorder The King’s Curse here for $0.99, and it releases the 30th.

Whatever you do, I hope you see beauty everywhere in its strength and pursue it, even defend it.

Until next time,


Crossover – Find the Eternal, the Adventure
