Category Archives: Odds


Lance and Quill Update


Old grunge paper.

Hello all!

Proofing Lance and Quill is going well—I’m now at page 76 of 170. My ASUS PC, only four months old, is going back to the factory under warranty. So I’m on my laptop with no way to format in InDesign or tweak covers in Photoshop Elements. But I should have my PC back in a couple weeks. I’m working on it!

I’ve been reading Sherwood Smith’s Twice a Prince, and admiring the humor in it. Much of the humor is good. You do have to ignore a reference or two to Eastern philosophy, but there is much good in her writing. A sense of family, loyalty, and compassion, gotten across in a rousing adventure.

Speaking of adventure, it’s been a whirl with the release of Falcon Heart. I thank you all for your support in so many ways. Your good wishes and enthusiastic admiration have meant a lot. But also, don’t be afraid to mention weaknesses you see in the book in your reviews. If you would let me know two weaknesses or things you believe could be improved, as well as two strengths in Falcon Heart, I would be grateful.

We writers need all the help we can get, and I want to write adventures you enjoy. I will do my best to use your insights well.

Thanks so much,




Lance and Quill

Old grunge paper.

I apologize to all my readers who have come looking for Lance and Quill. Lance and Quill will be up ASAP. It needs proofreading and changes made before release. Also, getting my books available for purchase on my website is still in progress. Thank you for your patience!



Falcon Heart is official!

Well, it’s official. My book Falcon Heart is finished.

The print proof came in yesterday evening, and it looks great! I’m so thankful and excited. This has been a long time in coming, and the Lord has brought it together.

Falcon Heart is available in both print and ebook on Amazon. My appreciated reviewers, readers, and friends, I hope you enjoy it! I also just applied as a GoodReads author today. Thank you so much!

Have a great day.


P. S. Below gives readers a little idea what Falcon Heart is about if you want to forward this to a friend…

A strange dagger…
Adventure beyond fear…

Slavers seize Kyrin Cieri from the coast of medieval Britain and sail for Araby. With a dagger from her murdered mother’s hand, an exiled warrior from the East, and a peasant girl, Kyrin finds mystery, martial skill, and friendship closer than blood. 
The falcon dagger pursues her through tiger-haunted dreams, love, and war in the Araby sands. Kyrin is caught by the caliph’s court intrigue and faces the blade that took her mother. One thing can give her the will to overcome, justice against hate, dagger against sword. 
Murder, sacrifice, vengeance…compassion and the art of war.
Crossover: Find the Eternal, the Adventure

Whether you love historical or Christian medieval romance with a touch of martial arts fiction, or need a young adult epic fantasy series for teens, Falcon Heart, Chronicle I is a solid choice. 
Read the excerpt of this medieval adventure and discover the magic of Falcon Heart. A medieval fantasy of romance and mystery from Britain to Arabia and back.

Old grunge paper. And here’s the link to Amazon:


A Bit of Soul Baring: Or Glimpses of Adventure

Publishing Update:

For my readers or soon to be readers: Falcon Heart is scheduled back from my editor (professional editors do have their own editors) within the month. After corrections,  Falcon Heart is in queue for formatting in InDesign for e-book and print, and to have a cover of art work designed, with interior art added. The art work and cover are in progress.

Falcon Heart is in the works, and I plan to release this title by December 2014 or earlier.

Meanwhile, the sequel Falcon Flight is going chapter by chapter through my crit group, then it will go through another revision, then off to beta readers, then my editor, and back for a final revision.

If you like historical fantasy and want to join my beta reader team, contact me at

Keep alert for upcoming sneak peeks of Falcon Heart.

Now an Author’s thought for the day:

There is a purity to the writer’s work. With concentration, it can drive away all kinds of ill winds and disturbing thoughts.

Others have written better than you. Still others will surpass you in the future. Would you want things to be otherwise? Better to accept that we all get our turn at excellence.

This acceptance makes your turn draw closer.

It is deadly to compare ourselves to other writers. Those writers have not lived our lives. They cannot tell our stories.

The telling of your own story is an act of complete absorption. It leaves no room for nibbling, negative thoughts. It drives away everything but what is true and right for this story.

Today, I’ll let my work provide relief from envy and self-doubt. It is ready to sweep me away to a place where comparisons do not matter.

–A good quote from Susan Shaughnessy’s Walking on Alligators, pg 53

Blog and family pics 132


Hello, welcome to a world of Adventure!



Why am I turning to Artisanal publishing?

Am I rebelling against established publishing Gatekeepers, am I cynical about the destiny of writers, or am I an adventurer by habit?

No, no, and no.

Writing and publishing make hard, though fun work, whether I become an Artisan or go traditional. Why not craft my works, invest more, and eat the fruit of my labor instead of the peelings?

A labor of love involves excellence, integrity, and beauty. That is my definition of art—and art grows when it is appreciated.

I wrote Falcon Heart to be available. I don’t want it out of print in a year if it’s not a bestseller; Falcon Heart is worth reading.

I use my Artisanal craft to entertain, explore worlds, and leave a legacy. My Creator loves and makes good things for everyone.

I write for the reward of His smile, the joy of shaping the tale, and to put food in my mouth—at least, soul-food.

This is why I am an Artisanal publisher of my work, and someday, maybe of others’ works.

Whether you are a reader, an Indie writer or somewhere between, find freebies, editing services, and books here. Books coming soon.

Join me and Crossover: Find the Eternal, the Adventure!
