There’s a question about your favorite podcast, exciting news on several fronts, and a $20 book giveaway.
First for the exciting news.
Something funny happened. I quoted 70 authors of clean fantasy adventure in my book Fantastic Journey – The Soul of Imaginative Fiction and Clean Fantasy Adventure, coming out in September. And I asked – and guess what? I get to interview many of them on my blog! They said yes, they would love to do a short Q and A on fantasy and what it means to us as humans, and what it means to our future.
So far these authors will be joining us over the 9 week countdown until launch: RJ Anderson, Kathleen Baldwin, CJ Brightley, Morgan Busse, Patrick Carr, DM Cornish, Serena Chase, JF Rogers, Chuck Black, and the list is growing. Stay tuned to my blog or follow my Amazon Page here – author posts will be starting soon. (I’m sorry the links appear dim, I haven’t yet figured out how to get them a darker color by themselves. They are alive! LOL)
Many of the 70 authors are also going to be part of the massive clean fantasy adventure giveaway that will be happening during September launch week. We’re going to have so much fun!
But for now . . .
Here is the link for YA $20 Book Giveaway for July Jubilees. We are allowed to have little jubilees, aren’t we? Or maybe we must determinedly dare to secure them, in these days.
And then . . .
Three questions, one involving a bonus for you:
1. If you enjoy podcasts, what is your favorite podcast about fantasy? I’d love to know.
2. Which tentative title of my book do you like best? a. Fantastic Journey – The Soul of Imaginative Fiction and Clean Fantasy Adventure, or b. Fantastic Journey – The Soul of Clean Fantasy Adventure and Speculative Fiction?
3. Would you like to apply to join my advance reader team and give me helpful advice on any pesky problems your sharp eyes see? Could you help us 70 authors: A. spread the clean adventure giveaway to all our deserving fantasy readers B. be my first vital reviewers C. Then claim your special bonuses and my grateful thanks?
70 authors though we are, we can’t do it without you! Your support is essential to our goal to help a sometimes locked-in world discover new fantasy adventure, and christen a new book just arrived.
We appreciate you!
Email us at fantasticjourney.dynamospress@gmail.com for your application request to join us in our adventure!
Looking forward to talking more about great fantasy adventures during these summer days!
Thank you,
Azalea Dabill
Crossover – Find the Eternal, the Adventure