Tag Archives: Fantastic Journey Book Cover

Fantastic Journey Cover

Fantastic Journey Book Cover A
Fantastic Journey Book Cover B

Calling all imaginative fiction readers and speculative fiction and fantasy aficionados’!

I thought you might like to weigh in on the book cover for “Fantastic Journey – The Soul of Speculative Fiction and Fantasy Adventure.”

My cover designer did a splendid job on both samples, but which do you like best?

A. journey4 – the cover with the ship between the two title words
B. journey3 – the cover with the ship forming the “A” in Fantastic

Then I can let my designer know which is your favorite, and we will finalize the cover!
Just reply in an email to me at fantasticjourney.dynamospress@gmail.com.

Your chance to apply to join a select group of readers on the Fantasy Adventure Team for reviewing the ARC for a signed print copy and other reading delights will be coming soon.

Thank you so much, and have a great week!

Azalea Dabill
Crossover – Find the Eternal, the Adventure
