Gut-checking times like these encourage us to take the time to look at our focus and concentrate on what is important. My dependence on God instead of myself is of paramount importance.
Fear and uncertainty tries to chain me.
Depending on Him frees me to do what I ought to be doing: working through the fear to trust, working through the uncertainty to doing what I can, working in the certainty that this did not take Him by surprise and that He is working great changes in people through this tough time.
He loves me, and He is working in me. That is a most encouraging thought.
He loves me. He loves you.
Keep working, doing the things that need done to help others. Keep necessary things going, but don’t forget to smile at a beautiful flower, to laugh at something funny. Keep living, see the joys. Don’t let fear blind and shackle you. Enjoy good things.
“The thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy; I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly.” John 10:10
Life even in the midst of troubled times. He is the rock that is higher than I.