LINKS are live though they appear different colors.
The ocean of fantasy and speculative fiction is vast.
Have you wondered how to find the best fantasy adventures for yourself, your children, and your friends, teens to adults? Or where to hunt for the gems?
Dive into the sea of fantasy with us in Fantastic Journey – The Soul of Speculative Fiction and Fantasy Adventure to find what you seek and more. On launch special $ 0.99 now. Please follow me on Amazon!
If you got the preorder, or got Fantastic Journey and are enjoying it, would you leave me your thoughts here, or email them to me at fantasticjourney.dynamospress@gmail.com? Thank you more than I can say!
If you’d like more About the book, and a secret bonus, see my book page here.
And Derek Murphy with CreativIndie posted my article about Fantastic Journey’s blog to book creation here.
Then come back and check out the giveaways I will be adding below over our launch.
5 Days of Giveaways
Day 1: Discover New YA Series for 2021! Free download
Day 2: Clean Young Adult Free Giveaway – All Genres – Celebrate 2021!

Day 3: Free E-books to get 2021 Started!

Day 3 Extra: Faith Based Book Sale

Day 3 Extra: Fellowship of Fantasy – January 2021 New Releases – Clean Indie Reads

Day 4: (Giveaway is live the 4th) General Non-fiction/Christian Self-help/Instructional Book sales

Day 5: January Wishes for Clean Romance Free in KU

I also want to extend a special thank you to my reviewers:
Phyllis W.
Deb D.
The Christian Bookworm
Hannah R.
Thank you for your beautiful, instructional reviews!
I have sent out one paperback to Deb D. in exchange so far.
If any of you who have reviewed it would like a paperback, please email me at fantasticjourney.dynamospress@gmail.com with your name and address, and I will mail you one.
And for any others interested in leaving me your honest thoughts in a review – for the first 10 reviews up on Amazon and Goodreads I will send each of you a paperback copy of Fantastic Journey.
We are at 4 on Amazon – only 6 more to go,
We are at 0 on Goodreads – with 10 to go.
Purchasing the ebook first (0.99 special) would make it a verified purchase review, which I really appreciate, but it’s not required.
Again, thank you!
I am so encouraged reading your reviews. Your thoughtful opinions have taught me some valuable things to keep in mind for my next books, though the very next will not be non-fiction but the completion of the Falcon Chronicle series.
So for those of you who have been waiting, Falcon Dagger is the work-in-progress this coming year!
Thank you so much, thank you for joining us, and have a great new Year!
Azalea Dabill
Crossover – Find the Eternal, the Adventure