Special July weekend announcement!
Links are live though they appear dim.
My friend Charlotte Lesemann is a writer of clean Gothic Fiction.
I wanted to introduce you to her Youtube channel, where she discusses all things Gothic at the “Gothic Literary Society”.
You can explore her website GothicLiterarySociety.
And her author page can be found here.
The above links went live July 1st!
I was privileged to read the work she is in the process of publishing. It is a solid read, and I don’t usually read Gothic, or thought I didn’t.
Often mistaken for the horror genre (my misinformed opinion), or associated with it, true Gothic is as different from horror as peas and apples, though it may have threads of horror within.
Reading this work and talking with Charlotte, I was pleasantly surprised, entertained, and educated on what a good Gothic story is.
Classic Gothic stories like The Woman in White, Wuthering Heights, and Jane Eyre have elements of the fantastic in them. I thought that as a fantasy reader you might be interested in discovering what true Gothic is all about: the mystery, the beauty, elements of grandeur and suspense and layered meaning in a rich tale.
- Here is a giveaway for July Children’s and YA books.
- And here is a Clean Books Series sale.
- To cool you pleasantly on these scorching days, try this steal: A Soul as Cold as Frost
Dive in, discover and enjoy!
Azalea Dabill
Crossover – Find the Eternal, the Adventure